Week 1 – October 1st, 2024 Theme: Module 5: Certificate Test and Final Thoughts
If you have completed all 4 modules in implicit bias series, it’s time to take the quiz and receive your certificate. If you missed any modules or want to review them before taking the quiz, please feel free to do that. Finally, watch a short video with some final thoughts. https://kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/implicit-bias-module-series/module-5-certificate-test https://kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/implicit-bias-module-series/final-thoughts
Week 2 – October 8th, 2024 Theme: Scenario Workbook and Exit Survey
“Now that you have an understanding of how implicit bias operates, manifests in the real world, and ways to mitigate your biases, it is important to put theory into practice. This scenario workbook provides you with a series of case studies, scenarios, and reflection questions that will assist you in thinking about how to apply what you have learned to your work.” Please also complete the exit survey. https://kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/implicit-bias-module-series/final-thoughts/scenario-workbook https://kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/implicit-bias-module-series/final-thoughts/exit-survey
Week 3 – October 15th, 2024 Theme: Requirements under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Did you know that IDEA requires measures to be reported by states? These measures include 1) significant disproportionality, 2) significant discrepancy, and 3) disproportionate representation. For a simple way to absorb this information, please visit the DC Office of the State Superintendent. https://osse.dc.gov/page/equity-requirements-under-individuals-disabilities-education-act-idea
Week 4 – October 22nd, 2024 Theme: ‘I’m watching you’ behavior produces racial disparities in school discipline
Are you interested in connecting implicit bias and student discipline? Check out this summary of Calvin Zimmermann’s research which was recently published in the journal Sociology of Education and titled, ‘I’m watching you’ behavior produces racial disparities in school discipline. Observational data is the focal point of this summary which leads to some insights and potential strategies to support teachers. https://news.nd.edu/news/im-watching-you-behavior-produces-racial-disparities-in-school-discipline/
Week 5 – October 29th, 2024 Theme: A Tale of Two Schools
Are you interested in learning how parents and schools can collaborate to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? The Center for Restorative Practices offers an infographic called “The Tale of Two Schools,” a valuable resource for parents to engage in positive discussions about implementing restorative practices to support all students. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wMhLothiEVHXgQki8d1eENC8XS7x3ygX06gN6o0O3kQ/edit