Week 1 – January 3rd, 2023 Theme: List of Children’s Books Used to Promote Skills
NCPMI has a wonderful list of children’s books that includes diverse examples of books that can be used to promote social-emotional skills such as feelings and emotions, friendships, kindness, and problem solving. Use this link to pass this resource to families. https://challengingbehavior.org/implementation/program-wide/books/
Week 2 – January 11th, 2023 Theme: IDEA Early Intervention Family Guides and Companion Videos
The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) is an OSEP funded center. CADRE has developed several family resources which are designed to explain the dispute resolution options under Part C of the IDEA: mediation, written state complaints and the due process complaint and hearing procedures specific to families with infants or toddlers with disabilities (Birth through Age 2). https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/idea-early-intervention-family-guides-and-companion-videos
Week 3 – January 17th, 2023 Theme: IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides and Companion Videos
CADRE has developed parent resource guides which are designed to explain the dispute resolution options under IDEA, Part B (ages 3-22): IEP facilitation, mediation, written state complaints, due process complaints, resolution meetings, and expedited due process complaints. Most of the guides are available in many languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Hmong, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, and Burmese, among others. https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/cadre-materials/idea-dispute-resolution-parent-guides
Week 4 – January 24th, 2023 Theme: The Working Together Series
CADRE’s resource, The Working Together Series, includes five interactive, self-directed courses. These courses provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict. https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/cadre-materials/working-together-series
Week 5 – January 31st, 2023 Theme: The Guiding Principles of Collaborative Advocacy
CADRE developed The Guiding Principles of Collaborative Advocacy which is designed to promote the use of ethical and collaborative methods for the work of PTIs and others who have the goal of helping others effectively navigate the IEP process. You may choose to use this guide as a self-assessment of your approach to our work. https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/cadre-materials/guiding-principles-collaborative-advocacy