Week 1 – August 1st, 2023 Theme: Safe and Inclusive Schooling Environments
While many students are going back to school, if you find yourself with a few hours of extra time for learning, The Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center offers a course through Indiana University’s online portal entitled, Safe and Inclusive Schooling Environments. https://expand.iu.edu/browse/glec/courses/centering-equity-in-safe-and-inclusive-schools
Week 2 – August 8th, 2023 Theme: CentersConnect Space
Are you interested in keeping up to date on PTI workgroups? Join the CPIR CentersConnect Space. https://www.parentcenterhub.org/welcome-parent-center/
Week 3 – August 15th, 2023 Theme: CPIR e-Learning Hub
The CPIR e-Learning Hub has a new course only for Parent Center staff called, “Who are Native Americans?“ It provides an overview of different definitions associated with Native Americans, clarifies which terms Native American groups prefer, and explains why terminology is important when working in a culture different from your own. Sign in or sign up for the CPIR e-Learning hub to take this course. https://parentcenterlearninghub.litmos.com/account/login/?
Week 4 – August 22nd, 2023 Theme: Online for All – National Campaign Working to Close the Digital Divide
Do you work with families who are caught in the digital divide? Civic Nation and the U.S. Department of Education launched Online for All, a digital equity campaign working to close the digital divide by focusing on internet access, affordability, and equity for students, families, and all Americans. https://onlineforall.org/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=
Week 5 – August 29th, 2023 Theme: Resource on Supporting Foster Students
A Dear Colleague letter released on July 25, 2023 offers guidance on responsibilities to support the unique needs of students in foster care. “Research…suggests that students in foster care…are three to four times more likely than their peers to experience exclusionary discipline and about twice as likely to be chronically absent from school.” Check out this resource for suggestions on how SEAs can support foster students. https://oese.ed.gov/files/2023/07/Foster-Care-dear-colleague-letter-7-25-2023-for-Webpage.pdf