Week 1 – June 7th, 2022 Theme: Guide to Reaching Out to American Indian and Alaska Native Youth with Disabilities
Summer outreach idea #1: As schools wind down for summer, you may be looking for outreach ideas. National Indigenous People’s Day is Tuesday June 21st. Read this resource from the Native American Parent Technical Assistance Center to learn how to find outreach opportunities such as Urban Indiana Centers, Tribal Education Departments, Pow Wows and more. Many Pow Wows are held in the summer months. https://www.parentcenterhub.org/wp-content/uploads/repo_items/naptac/reaching-native-youth-with-disabilities-2019.pdf
Week 2 – June 14th, 2022 Theme: Education and Military Families
Summer outreach idea #2: Looking for resources for military families specifically geared towards parent center staff? Look no further than this website full of resources from the Branch Military Technical Assistance Center. https://branchta.org/resource/education-and-military-families/
Week 3 – June 21st, 2022 Theme: Connect with Other Parent Centers
Summer connection idea #3: Would you like to connect with parent center staff from other PTIs while sharing information and resources? Look no further than Centers Connect from the Center for Parent Training and Information, CPIR (our national technical assistance center). https://centersconnect.parentcenterhub.org/login/?ref=aHR0cHM6Ly9jZW50ZXJzY29ubmVjdC5wYXJlbnRjZW50ZXJodWIub3JnLz9fZnJvbUxvZ291dD0x
Week 4 – June 28th, 2022 Theme: Access to Parent Center eLearning Hub
Summer connection idea #4: Are you looking to absorb more information about disability and special education over the summer? The Center for Parent Training and Information, CPIR, has developed the Parent Center eLearning Hub created expressly for Parent Centers; courses provide you with information on the priority topics and issues of the Parent Center network. To sign up, email [email protected] or if you are already registered, visit https://parentcenterlearninghub.litmos.com/account/login/