Week 1 – September 2nd, 2021 Theme: Beginning Outreach to Military Families

Do you wonder where to start in outreaching to military families? Find military installments in your state by using this link: https://branchta.org/region-c-military-installations-and-contacts

Week 2 – September 9th, 2021 Theme: Early Intervention and Special Education Eligibility for DoD Dependents

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for military families is implemented by DoD Instruction 1342.12, “Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible DoD Dependents.” This document contains the provision and may be an important resource when serving military families: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/134212p.pdf

Week 3 – September 16st, 2021 Theme: Unique Aspects of Education for Military Families

Looking for resources for military families specifically geared towards parent center staff? Look no further than this website full of resources from the Branch Military Technical Assistance Center: https://branchta.org/resource/education-and-military-families

Week 4 – September 23rd, 2021 Theme: Online Tool Empowering Families with Special Needs

Military families with special needs have resources available to them through the Exceptional Family Member’s Program (EFMP) including case management, services, and educational supports. The EFMP & Me online resource is a tool for military families to navigate supports and find resources. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/network/efmp-and-me/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_mBFpDy_01PU9QMW7ic4-cosq4fKI7zFwzqawl77Oqe1vW4MryW2YoaAoVdEALw_wcB

Week 5 – September 30th, 2021 Theme: Additional Resources for Military Families

If you are looking for resources for Military families related to special needs, helping children cope with deployment, school transitions and reconnecting with children after deployment, check out the resources from Pathfinder ND: http://www.pathfinder-nd.org/resource-topic.php?t=Military+Families&Go=Go