Week 1 – December 2nd, 2021 Theme: OSEP Data on Asian Children with Disabilities
OSEP data collection shows “Asian children with disabilities, ages 14-21, exiting school were more likely to graduate and less likely to drop out than all students with disabilities.” For more comparative data on Asian children with disabilities, select this link: https://sites.ed.gov/idea/osep-fast-facts-asian-children-with-disabilities-20/
Week 2 – December 9th, 2021 Theme: More Fast Facts on Hispanic and/or Latino Children with Disabilities
Data shows that “Hispanic and/or Latino students are more likely to be identified with specific learning disability and less likely to be identified with other health impairment than all students with disabilities.” For this and other data, please refer to OSEP Fast Facts: Hispanic and/or Latino Children with Disabilities. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/osep-fast-facts-hispanic-latino-children-disabilities-20/
Week 3 – December 16th, 2021 Theme: Fast Facts about American Indian or Alaska Native Children with Disabilities
Data shows “American Indian or Alaska Native students with disabilities were more likely to be identified with specific learning disability and less likely to be identified with autism when compared to all students with disabilities.” For this and more, please visit OSEP Fast Facts: American Indian or Alaska Native Children with Disabilities. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/osep-fast-facts-american-indian-or-alaska-native-children-with-disabilities-20/
Week 4 – December 22nd, 2021 Theme: More OSEP Data on Black or African American Children with Disabilities
OSEP data shows that Black or African American students with disabilities are more likely to be removed from school for discipline than all students with disabilities. For this and more information on Black or African American children with disabilities, please check out OSEP Fast Facts: Black or African American Children With Disabilities. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/osep-fast-facts-black-or-african-american-children-with-disabilities-20/