Week 1 – April 1st, 2021 Theme: A to Z of Disabilities & Accommodations
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides accommodation ideas by disability, topic, limitation, work-related function, and specific accommodation. This is a helpful resource for individuals and families to better understand accommodations for individuals with disabilities on the job. https://askjan.org/a-to-z.cfm
Week 2 – April 8th, 2021 Theme: Resources, Training & FAQs for Pre-employment Transition Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are supports available to transition aged students with a disability while in school (14-21 years old). For more information on eligibility and required service provisions, please check out this website: http://www.wintac.org/topic-areas/pre-employment-transition-services
Week 3 – April 15th, 2021 Theme: Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Do you support families that need more information on working while also receiving SSI? This site from the Social Security Administration helps explain how to calculate SSI benefits while working. https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/text-income-ussi.htm
Week 4 – April 22nd, 2021 Theme: Family Influence on the Employment Process
Families are a strong influence on employment decisions. This resource from the Institute for Community Inclusion discusses positive ways families can support the decision to work and provides tips for families on how to support employment from the early years through accepting a job offer. https://www.communityinclusion.org/article.php?article_id=326#:~:text=Family%20is%20important%20for%20many,their%20place%20in%20the%20workplace
Week 5 – April 29th, 2021 Theme: Tips for Parents & Families Helping Youth Develop Soft Skills for Job Success
“This InfoBrief (from the National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability for Youth) discusses the importance of soft skills and offers specific strategies parents and families can use to help their child develop skills for employment success, including communication skills, interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, and lifelong learning skills.” https://ncrtm.ed.gov/sites/default/files/library/3481/infobrief_issue28_0.pdf