Week 1 – March 5th, 2020 Theme: Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability (Series 1 of 4)
Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability #1: Disability is a natural part of the human experience. This truth can be hard to embrace especially for parents new to disability, but it serves as the cornerstone of special education law. More info. for parents new to disability is available here: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/new-to-disability/
Week 2 – March 12th, 2020 Theme: Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability (Series 2 of 4)
Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability #2: You are not alone, but your family’s experience is unique. How can we best help parents understand there is a lot of information on disabilities AND their family’s needs and experiences will be one of a kind? Check out “You Are Not Alone,” here: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/notalone/
Week 3 – March 19th, 2020 Theme: Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability (Series 3 of 4)
Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability #3: Embrace the unplanned journey. “The Unplanned Journey” is a great resource that incorporates great information for how disability may emotionally affect each family member, and what parents can do to empower their family. More help for the journey right here: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/journey/
Week 4 – March 26th, 2020 Theme: Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability (Series 1 of 4)
Helpful Truth for Parents New to Disability #4: Kids with disabilities become adults with disabilities. What can parents do to prepare their child to make decisions, set goals and even make mistakes as grow toward their own self-determined best life? Great video on helping children toward self-determination here: https://youtu.be/j-C4RXGSeeU