Week 1 – July 2nd, 2020 Theme: Equipping Ourselves for Anti-Racism (Series 1 of 5)
Looking for a better way of thinking about racism, sexism and ableism? Intersectionality is a way of thinking about how the many forms of discrimination overlap and compound. A two-minute video intro. here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1islM0ytkE
Week 2 – July 9th, 2020 Theme: Equipping Ourselves for Anti-Racism (Series 2 of 5)
Is “not being a racist” enough? To transform inequitable systems, we must seek to be anti-racist. Here’s a great list of reading and viewing materials to get you started: https://medium.com/wake-up-call/a-detailed-list-of-anti-racism-resources-a34b259a3eea
Week 3 – July 16th, 2020 Theme: Equipping Ourselves for Anti-Racism (Series 3 of 5)
It’s important to talk to children about racism and inequality, but where to begin? Start by asking children open-ended questions to gauge what they know. More at: https://drroseann.com/talking-to-children-about-racism-and-inequality/?fbclid=IwAR1M12w2-DtsOHXY_qmwUrsK0ifFXkrhGKYAsrtvHGifoibrRbfGqBxjgyE
Week 4 – July 23rd, 2020 Theme: Equipping Ourselves for Anti-Racism (Series 4 of 5)
How do disability justice and racial justice relate? Attached is a two-minute video from the National Disability Rights Network with Imani Barbarin on the intersection of disability and racial justice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhMFR2z0xjM
Week 5 – July 30th, 2020 Theme: Equipping Ourselves for Anti-Racism (Series 5 of 5)
Activist and educator Jane Elliott highlights the absurdity of white superiority with her famous “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” social experiment and elaborates on why saying, “I don’t see color,” can be such a problematic statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2z-ahJ4uws