Week 1 – February 7th, 2023 Theme: The Benefits of Working from Home

Did you know that remote workers spend an average of 1.5 more days working per month than those who work in an office? We worry that our remote staff might now be productive. This article is packed with research-based infographics that show we might be wrong. It also gives tips to help remote workers stay motivated to share and talk about with staff: https://www.airtasker.com/blog/the-benefits-of-working-from-home/

Week 2 – February 14th, 2023 Theme: Recruiting and Hiring When You’re Remote

There are five essential things that can help you recruit and hire staff remotely. Even if you want the new staff person to work at your office, your new candidate pool may be job searching differently online. My favorite tip in this article is how to set up a virtual career fair. What’s yours? https://www.indeed.com/hire/c/info/recruiting-and-hiring-remotely

Week 3 – February 21st, 2023 Theme: 12 Interview Questions to Ask Remote Workers

We understand that working remotely is the same in some ways and different in others. That means the questions you ask potential remote employees in an interview should be a bit different also. Have you thought about what you should ask differently and why? Use this list to add some new questions to your interview process: https://www.flexjobs.com/employer-blog/interview-questions-ask-first-time-remote-worker/

Week 4 – February 28th, 2023 Theme: 11 Tips to Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Are you micromanaging your remote workers? Research shows that is the #1 way to motivate a remote worker into leaving the job. Want to learn some better ways to manage them and rest assured the workload is getting done? Here’s 11 basic steps to help guide you: https://ca.indeed.com/hire/c/info/11-tips-to-effectively-manage-remote-employees?gclid=CjwKCAiAleOeBhBdEiwAfgmXfyB5YVSFkxdlOnZScnGkAnkG9rsxv37nVYOPzIUYKnawzs62hZIwRhoC0b0QAvD_BwE&aceid=&gclsrc=aw.ds