Week 1 – June 7th, 2022 Theme: 5 Data Points Your Nonprofit Should be Tracking

As you dig into making your database work best for your projects, make sure you consider the ways it can also serve your entire organization. There are 5 essential areas that will speak to future donors and grantors. Learn more here: https://www.socialsolutions.com/blog/5-data-points-your-nonprofit-should-be-tracking/

Week 2 – June 14th, 2022 Theme: How to Effectively Evaluate a Nonprofit

Once you have thought through how your database can help you track the data that will measure mission impact to gain future funding, it’s time to evaluate. This PDF, How to Effectively Evaluate a Non-Profit, further breaks down which evaluation questions to measure and how to report out in a way that demonstrates you are consistently meeting your mission.


Week 3 – June 21st, 2022 Theme: Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard

Potential private donors and new board members respond to different messaging than federal funders. Once you have your database working to define your organizational impact a quick snapshot in plain, prominent sight is a key next step. This blog provides several examples of the types of nonprofit data dashboards that potential donors and board members are looking for: https://nonprofitquarterly.org/financial-management-models-of-a-great-nonprofit-dashboard/

Week 4 – June 28th, 2022 Theme: How Nonprofits Can Map Their Programs to Their Strategy

Another great use of organizational level data is a Nonprofit Program Strategy Map. This process will help you define where your programs intersect and identify service gaps to consider addressing in your next grant application. https://www.bridgespan.org/insights/library/strategy-development/nonprofit-program-strategy-map