Week 1 – October 5th, 2021 Theme: Learn About the “2 Pizza” Productivity Rule

Dr. Adrian Furnham from the University College in London has studied what makes meetings most productive. He shares lists of clear tips like, “Take charge of the agenda and the outcomes. Be clear why some are, and are not, on it.” There is even science behind the “Two Pizza Rule.” Don’t know that that is? Learn about it here: https://www.inc.com/business-insider/jeff-bezos-productivity-tip-two-pizza-rule.html

Week 2 – October 12th, 2021 Theme: Promote Collaboration and Innovation with this Brainstorming Meeting Template

Organizing meetings as Brainstorming Sessions is one of the best ways to accomplish work with a team inside a meeting structure. This free template shows you how: https://fellow.app/meeting-templates/brainstorming-meeting-agenda/

Week 3 – October 19th, 2021 Theme: Maximize the Benefits of Brainstorming in the Decision-Making Process

The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) is a great facilitation model to use when a meeting doesn’t need to include debate. It can be helpful when large groups are meeting, when developing processes rather than making decisions are the meeting’s foci, and when there are multiple right answers for the item(s) being addressed. Learn how to facilitate using NGT here: https://landing.directorpoint.com/blog/governance-through-nominal-group-technique/

Week 4 – October 26th, 2021 Theme: Tips to Foster Constructive Debate Within Your Teams

When decisions need to be made, exploring diverse viewpoints is usually helpful. The people in decision-making meetings need permission to debate. Facilitating debate during meetings is best when the meeting group is small and decisions need to be made by the people in the meeting. Need rich debate in your decision-making meetings? Appoint a Chief Contrarian: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonpicoult/2020/08/16/how-to-make-better-decisions-by-encouraging-open-debate/?sh=5980cebd73c4