Week 1 – May 4th, 2021 Theme: Ideas and Resources for Board Engagement

Last month’s messages focused on recruiting great board members. Once you have them in place, you have to work to keep them personally engaged and invested. According the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, “..new engagement is distinguished by board deliberations that are future-oriented, proactive, and based on trust..” Find some of the best tools to help you do those very things here: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/board-engagement

Week 2 – May 11th, 2021 Theme: Tips for Conversations about Board Governance

Did you know that introducing topics a board has to wrestle with is one of the best ways to build board member trust in you and the organization? What topics are best for them to work on, and what are the best ways for you to bring those topics forward? This side-by-side tip sheet for candid conversations with boards can help: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/files/media/documents/2023/ncn-tip-sheet-candid-conversations-2022.pdf

Week 3 – May 18th, 2021 Theme: Engaging Board Members Through AAA

Engaged boards absolutely must have a stake in the organization’s strategic planning process and its outcomes. Focus on the three A’s with your board to build engagement with them in planning. Aspirations, Alignment and Accountability can be processed in partnership between a board and the Executive Director to better engage everyone involved. Find a how-to infographic and helpful guiding questions and tips here: https://blueavocado.org/board-of-directors/engaging-board-members-aaa-then-and-now/

Week 4 – May 25th, 2021 Theme: What Nonprofit Board Members Need to Know

Once your strategic plan is updated and all board members understand it, it’s time for engaging them in the advocacy related to it. This presentation from Board Source is perfect to work through with your board during a discussion about the types of advocacy your board members can engage in. It even includes links to deeper learning about the do’s and don’ts of different types of advocating non-profit boards can be a part of: https://www.slideshare.net/BoardSource1/what-boards-need-to-know-50474667