Week 1 – October 6th, 2020 Theme: Early Intervention and Inclusion
Are you looking to increase your center’s Early Intervention resources? In 2015, the US Departments of Education and Health and Human Services released a joint policy statement about inclusion of children with disabilities in Early Intervention programs. It is a great resource to share with families, and a great tool to use in leading the development of Early Intervention work at your center. You can find the policy statement here: http://www.decal.ga.gov/documents/attachments/Policy_Statement_on_Inclusion.pdf
Week 2 – October 13th, 2020 Theme: Developmental App Useful for Everyone
The CDC has a great set of resources for families of children ages birth to 5 that are part of an initiative called Learn the Signs, Act Early. They were developed for Autism, but are useful for anyone. Consider sharing them out as a starting place in building your center’s Part C library. There is even a Milestone Tracker app! Check it all out here: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/
Week 3 – October 20th, 2020 Theme: Early Intervention Collaboration
Ready to start collaborating with Early Intervention Partners beyond your state’s Part C Education Department lead? Find out who all of the other partners in Part C work are in your state right here: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/partners/index.html
Week 4 –October 27th, 2020 Theme: Early Childhood Technical Assistance
The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems is a national Technical Assistance center that houses scads of resources for Part C. There are toolkits, webinars and handouts for partners and families alike. If you’re in need of more Early Childhood resources for families or Professional Development related to Early Childhood for your staff, this website is a great place to start: https://dasycenter.org/